Frequently Asked Questions.

Why is it so cheap?

We have exclusive suppliers of discount codes, promotions and gift cards of different countries that serve globally for any country. In the case of accounts, we create them, apply the promotions and send them to the customers. All our products are personal, private and original.

How long does it take you to deliver orders?

When placing your order you must wait the time it takes for our verified sellers to create your order, we ship our products the same day of purchase, although if there are excess orders some may be shipped a day later. Please note that we are not available on Sundays and holidays and your orders will be processed on Monday..

Is there a warranty in case of problems?

There are practically never any problems with our products, but in case you have any problems you can contact us via email: [email protected] and we will give you an answer. secured solution either by refunding you, replacing the product, fixing the error, etc.

Are these products legal?

Totally legal. The main characteristic that differentiates us from the rest of digital product platforms is that none of our products or accounts are shared, hacked, or stolen.. This is why at no time are the terms of these platforms violated.. You can change the password on any of our products.

What payment methods do you offer?

We currently offer two forms of payment. Credit card through the verified payment gateway "Stripe" or through Paypal.

In which countries do the products work?

All of our products work in the following ways global (in any country of the world) unless we specify in the product the limitation to certain countries.

Can I renew my product/account?

If your product/account subscription is running out you can contact us via email for renewal service, remember to contact us before the subscription expires.